Top 10 Reasons You Will Love SmartHub

  1. Provides 24/7 secure access to your account from a computer, tablet or mobile phone.
  2. Notifies you when a new electric bill has been generated and includes a link to your account for quick payment of your bill or to review your account information.
  3.  Allows you to pay electronically using your Visa, MasterCard or Discover OR an electronic check transaction.
  4.  Allows you to set up recurring automatic payments using your checking or savings account.
  5.  Displays postings of payments in real time, so you know your payment has been applied.
  6.  Provides current and historical monthly billing information and payment history.
  7.  Stay up to date on important communications from ALP.
  8.  Gives you the option to go paperless, if you choose.
  9.  Allows you to set up payment alerts.
  10.  Includes a FREE app for your smartphone or tablet. Simply search for “SmartHub” on either the Apple Store or Google Play. Once the app is open, type in “ALP Utilities” as the power provider. Your login information is the same as what has been set up in SmartHub.
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