Annual Hydrant Flushing Begins

Beginning April 17, ALP water crews will be flushing fire hydrants between 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. over the course of the next 6 weeks.

Fire hydrants are flushed to remove mineral deposits and sediment from the water mains and to ensure proper operation for fire protection.

During hydrant flushing operations, ALP water customers may experience discoloration in the water, and or pressure changes.

Rusty water does not pose a health issue, but may affect the aesthetic quality of the water.

Customers are encouraged to check their water for discoloration prior to using hot water or doing laundry, as rusty water may stain clothing. If rusty water is present, customers should flush their household plumbing by opening cold water taps and flushing until clear.

Outdoor watering or using exterior hose outlets can also flush customer piping while still using water efficiently.

Please contact ALP with any questions at: 320-763-6501

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